SAM 论文翻译+笔记



We introduce the Segment Anything (SA) project: a new task, model, and dataset for image segmentation.

Using our efficient model in a data collection loop, we built the largest segmentation dataset to date (by far), with over 1 billion masks on 11M licensed and privacy respecting images. 构建了一个至今为止最大的图片分割数据集,1100万图片上,标了10亿个masks。 The model is designed and trained to be promptable, so it can transfer zero-shot to new image distributions and tasks. 模型是可提示的,所以可以zero-shot迁移应用到新的数据集或下游任务上。 We evaluate its capabilities on numerous tasks and find that its zero-shot performance is impressive – often competitive with or even superior to prior fully supervised results. 我们在很多任务上评估了zero-shot表现,它通常能具有竞争力或优于全监督结果,这很牛逼。 We are releasing the Segment Anything Model (SAM) and corresponding dataset (SA-1B) of 1B masks and 11M images at to foster research into foundation models for computer vision. 我们release了模型SAM和SA-1B数据集。



Large language models pre-trained on web-scale datasets are revolutionizing NLP with strong zero-shot and few-shot generalization [10]. 在网络规模数据集上预训练的大型语言模型正在通过强大的零样本和少样本泛化彻底改变NLP [10]。 These “foundation models” [8] can generalize to tasks and data distributions beyond those seen during training. 这些“基础模型”[8] 可以泛化应用到训练时没见过的任务和数据分布上。 This capability is often implemented with prompt engineering in which hand-crafted text is used to prompt the language model to generate a valid textual response for the task at hand. 这种能力通常通过提示工程来实现,会手写一段文本,来提示语言模型为任务生成文本反馈。 When scaled and trained with abundant text corpora from the web, these models’ zero and few-shot performance compares surprisingly well to (even matching in some cases) fine-tuned models [10, 21]. 当使用来自网络的丰富文本语料库进行扩展和训练时,这些模型的零样本和少样本性能出奇地好,甚至有些场景下能与微调模型相当。 Empirical trends show this behavior improving with model scale, dataset size, and total training compute [56, 10, 21, 51]. 经验趋势表明,随着模型规模、数据集大小和总训练计算的增加,模型的零样本和少样本性能会越来越好[56,10,21,51]。

Foundation models have also been explored in computer vision, albeit to a lesser extent. 计算机视觉领域也对基础模型进行了探索,尽管程度较小。 Perhaps the most prominent illustration aligns paired text and images from the web. 可能最出名的例子就是对齐了来自网络的配对文本和图像。 For example, CLIP [82] and ALIGN [55] use contrastive learning to train text and image encoders that align the two modalities. 例如,CLIP [82] 和 ALIGN [55] 使用对比学习来训练对齐两种模式的文本和图像编码器。 Once trained, engineered text prompts enable zero-shot generalization to novel visual concepts and data distributions. 经过训练后,设计的文本提示可以零样本概括新的视觉概念和数据分布。 Such encoders also compose effectively with other modules to enable downstream tasks, such as image generation (e.g., DALL·E [83]). 这种编码器还可以与其他模块有效组合,以实现下游任务,例如图像生成(例如,DALL·E [83])。 While much progress has been made on vision and language encoders, computer vision includes a wide range of problems beyond this scope, and for many of these, abundant training data does not exist. 尽管在视觉和语言编码器方面取得了很大进展,但计算机视觉包含了超出此范围的广泛问题,并且对于其中许多问题,并不存在丰富的训练数据。

In this work, our goal is to build a foundation model for image segmentation. 在这项工作中,我们的目标是建立图像分割的基础模型。 That is, we seek to develop a promptable model and pre-train it on a broad dataset using a task that enables powerful generalization. 也就是说,我们要开发一个可提示的模型,在一个广泛的数据集上进行预训练,使用一个能够广泛泛化的task With this model, we aim to solve a range of downstream segmentation problems on new data distributions using prompt engineering. 通过该模型,我们的目标是使用提示工程解决新数据分布上的一系列下游分割问题。

The success of this plan hinges on three components: task, model, and data. To develop them, we address the following questions about image segmentation: 决定计划成功的关键有三点:任务、模型、数据。我们解决了关于图像分割的如下三个问题:

  1. What task will enable zero-shot generalization? 什么任务能支撑零样本泛化?
  2. What is the corresponding model architecture? 对应的模型架构长什么样?
  3. What data can power this task and model? 实现这样的task和model,需要什么数据?

These questions are entangled and require a comprehensive solution. 这些问题错综复杂,需要综合解决。 We start by defining a promptable segmentation task that is general enough to provide a powerful pre-training objective and to enable a wide range of downstream applications. 我们首先定义一个可提示的分割任务,该任务足够通用,有一个强大的预训练目标,并可以支持广泛的下游应用。 This task requires a model that supports flexible prompting and can output segmentation masks in real-time when prompted to allow for interactive use. 该任务需要一个支持灵活提示的模型,并且可以在提示下实时生成分段掩码,以支撑交互使用场景。 To train our model, we need a diverse, large-scale source of data. 为了训练我们的模型,我们需要多样化的、大规模的数据源。 Unfortunately, there is no web-scale data source for segmentation; 不幸的是,没有用于分割的网络规模数据源; to address this, we build a “data engine”, i.e., we iterate between using our efficient model to assist in data collection and using the newly collected data to improve the model. 为了解决这个问题,我们构建了一个“数据引擎”,即我们先使用模型协助数据收集,然后使用新收集的数据改进模型,形成循环。 We introduce each interconnected component next, followed by the dataset we created and the experiments that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. 接下来我们介绍每个互连的组件,然后是我们创建的数据集以及证明我们方法有效性的实验。

Task (§2). In NLP and more recently computer vision, foundation models are a promising development that can perform zero-shot and few-shot learning for new datasets and tasks often by using “prompting” techniques. 任务 (§2)。 在 NLP 和最近的计算机视觉中,基础模型是一项有前途的发展,通常可以通过使用“提示”技术对新数据集和任务执行零样本和少样本学习。 Inspired by this line of work, we propose the promptable segmentation task, where the goal is to return a valid segmentation mask given any segmentation prompt (see Fig. 1a). 受这一工作的启发,我们提出了提示分割任务,其目标是在给定任何分割提示的情况下返回有效的分割掩码(见图1a)。 A prompt simply specifies what to segment in an image, e.g., a prompt can include spatial or text information identifying an object. 提示只是指定在图像中分割什么,例如,提示可以包括识别对象的空间或文本信息。 The requirement of a valid output mask means that even when a prompt is ambiguous and could refer to multiple objects (for example, a point on a shirt may indicate either the shirt or the person wearing it), the output should be a reasonable mask for at least one of those objects. 有效输出掩码的要求意味着即使提示不明确并且可能引用多个对象 (例如,衬衫上的点可能表示衬衫或穿着它的人), 输出应该是至少其中一个对象的合理掩码。 We use the promptable segmentation task as both a pre-training objective and to solve general downstream segmentation tasks via prompt engineering. 我们使用提示分割任务作为预训练目标,并通过提示工程解决一般下游分割任务。

Model (§3). The promptable segmentation task and the goal of real-world use impose constraints on the model architecture. 模型 (§3)。 可提示的分割任务、现实世界中实际使用这一目标 约束了模型的架构。 In particular, the model must support flexible prompts, needs to compute masks in amortized real-time to allow interactive use,and must be ambiguity-aware. 特别是,模型必须支持灵活的提示,需要近实时地计算掩码以允许交互使用,需要能够处理歧义。 Surprisingly, we find that a simple design satisfies all three constraints: 令人惊讶的是,我们发现一个简单的设计满足了所有三个约束: a powerful image encoder computes an image embedding, 一个强大的图像编码器计算图像的embedding, a prompt encoder embeds prompts, 一个提示编码器生成提示的embedding, and then the two information sources are combined in a lightweight mask decoder that predicts segmentation masks. 然后这两个信息作为一个轻量级掩码解码器的输入,它会预测分割掩码。 We refer to this model as the Segment Anything Model, or SAM (see Fig. 1b). 我们将该模型称为SAM(见图 1b)。 By separating SAM into an image encoder and a fast prompt encoder/mask decoder,the same image embedding can be reused (and its cost amortized) with different prompts. 通过将 SAM 分为一个图像编码器和一个快速的提示编码器/掩码解码器, 相同的图像embedding可以在不同的提示下重复使用,这可以节省图像embedding计算成本。 Given an image embedding, the prompt encoder and mask decoder predict a mask from a prompt in ∼50ms in a web browser. 给定一个图像嵌入,提示编码器和掩码解码器可以在浏览器中耗时~50毫秒根据提示生成掩码。 We focus on point, box, and mask prompts, and also present initial results with free-form text prompts. 我们专注于点、框和蒙版提示,也初步探索了使用格式不限的文本提示。 To make SAM ambiguity-aware, we design it to predict multiple masks for a single prompt allowing SAM to naturally handle ambiguity, such as the shirt vs. person example. 为了使 SAM 能够感知歧义,我们设计对单个prompt输入预测输出多个掩码,从而使 SAM 能够自然地处理歧义,例如衬衫与人的示例。

Data engine (§4). To achieve strong generalization to new data distributions, we found it necessary to train SAM on a large and diverse set of masks, beyond any segmentation dataset that already exists. 数据引擎 (§4)。 为了实现对新数据分布的强泛化,我们发现有必要在大量且多样化的掩码上训练 SAM,任何现有的分割数据集都无法满足需要。 While a typical approach for foundation models is to obtain data online [82], masks are not naturally abundant and thus we need an alternative strategy. 虽然基础模型的典型方法是在线获取数据[82],但掩码数据天然就不丰富,因此我们需要一种替代策略。 <font color=#008000>【网络上图片和下面的标题就是天然的text-image训练数据】</font> Our solution is to build a “data engine”, i.e., we co-develop our model with model-in-the-loop dataset annotation (see Fig. 1c). 我们的解决方案是构建一个“数据引擎”,我们搞了一个model-in-the-loop的数据标注,然后产生的数据再用于优化模型。(见图1c)。 Our data engine has three stages: assisted-manual, semi-automatic, and fully automatic. 我们的数据引擎分为三个阶段:辅助手动、半自动、全自动。 In the first stage, SAM assists annotators in annotating masks, similar to a classic interactive segmentation setup. 在第一阶段,SAM 协助标注员标注掩模,类似于经典的交互式分割初始阶段。 In the second stage, SAM can automatically generate masks for a subset of objects by prompting it with likely object locations and annotators focus on annotating the remaining objects, helping increase mask diversity. 在第二阶段,通过prompt可能的对象位置,SAM可以自动为识别对象的一部分子集生成掩码,而标注员则专注于标注其余对象,从而帮助增加掩码的多样性。 In the final stage, we prompt SAM with a regular grid of foreground points, yielding on average ∼100 high-quality masks per image. 在最后阶段,我们使用前景点的规则网格提示SAM,平均每张图像产生约100个高质量掩码。 <font color=#008000>【这个人工标注方法很高效,事实上很多第三方标注公司也在用类似方法,最终的标注结果辅以人工检查,就能保证交付质量。在这个过程中沉淀下来的模型,像什么文档内容识别模型之类的,本事也在搞商业化卖钱】</font>

Dataset (§5). Our final dataset, SA-1B, includes more than 1B masks from 11M licensed and privacy-preserving images (see Fig. 2). 数据集 (§5)。 我们的最终数据集 SA-1B 中有 11M 有许可的、保护了隐私图像,以及在这些图像上超过 1B 个掩模(见图 2)。 SA-1B, collected fully automatically using the final stage of our data engine, has 400× more masks than any existing segmentation dataset [66, 44, 117, 60], and as we verify extensively, the masks are of high quality and diversity. SA-1B 使用我们数据引擎的最后阶段完全自动收集,其掩码比任何现有分割数据集 [66,44,117,60] 多 400 倍,并且正如我们广泛验证的那样,掩码具有高质量和多样性 。 Beyond its use in training SAM to be robust and general, we hope SA-1B becomes a valuable resource for research aiming to build new foundation models. 除了用于训练 SAM 使其变得稳健和通用之外,我们希望 SA-1B 成为构建新基础模型研究的宝贵资源。

Responsible AI (§6). We study and report on potential fairness concerns and biases when using SA-1B and SAM. AI责任 (§6)。 我们研究并报告使用 SA-1B 和 SAM 时潜在的公平问题和偏见。 Images in SA-1B span a geographically and economically diverse set of countries and we found that SAM performs similarly across different groups of people. SA-1B 中的图像跨越了地理和经济上不同的国家,我们发现 SAM 在不同人群中的表现相似。 Together, we hope this will make our work more equitable for real-world use cases. 我们共同希望这将使我们的工作在现实世界的用例中更加公平。 We provide model and dataset cards in the appendix. 我们在附录中提供模型和数据集卡。

Experiments (§7). We extensively evaluate SAM. 实验 (§7)。 我们广泛评估 SAM。 First, using a diverse new suite of 23 segmentation datasets, we find that SAM produces high-quality masks from a single foreground point, often only slightly below that of the manually annotated ground truth. 首先,使用了 23 个新的多样的分割数据集,我们发现 SAM 可以从单个前景点生成高质量掩模,通常仅略低于手动标注的ground truth。 Second, we find consistently strong quantitative and qualitative results on a variety of downstream tasks under a zero-shot transfer protocol using prompt engineering, including edge detection, object proposal generation, instance segmentation, and a preliminary exploration of text-to-mask prediction. 其次,我们使用提示工程零样板应用在了各种下游任务上,发现了一致的定量和定性结果,包括边缘检测、对象建议生成、实例分割以及文本到掩模预测的初步探索。 These results suggest that SAM can be used out-of-the-box with prompt engineering to solve a variety of tasks involving object and image distributions beyond SAM’s training data. 这些结果表明,SAM 可以通过提示工程开箱即用,解决SAM训练数据之外的对象和图像分布上的各种任务。 Nevertheless, room for improvement remains, as we discuss in §8. 尽管如此,正如我们在第 8 节中讨论的那样,改进的空间仍然存在。

Release. We are releasing the SA-1B dataset for research purposes and making SAM available under a permissive open license (Apache 2.0) at We also showcase SAM’s capabilities with an online demo.

2.Segment Anything Task

We take inspiration from NLP, where the next token prediction task is used for foundation model pre-training and to solve diverse downstream tasks via prompt engineering [10]. 我们从 NLP 中获得灵感,next token预测任务用于基础模型预训练,并通过提示工程解决各种下游任务[10]。 To build a foundation model for segmentation, we aim to define a task with analogous capabilities. 为了构建图片分割的基础模型,我们的目标是定义具有类似功能的任务。

Task. We start by translating the idea of a prompt from NLP to segmentation, where a prompt can be a set of foreground/background points, a rough box or mask, free-form text, or, in general, any information indicating what to segment in an image. 任务 我们首先将提示的概念从 NLP 领域迁移到分割领域,提示可以是一组前景/背景点、一个简单的框或蒙版、格式不限的文本,或者一般来说,任何可以指示图像中要分割的内容的信息。 The promptable segmentation task, then, is to return a valid segmentation mask given any prompt. 那么,可提示的分割任务是在给定任何提示的情况下返回有效的分割掩码。 The requirement of a “valid” mask simply means that even when a prompt is ambiguous and could refer to multiple objects (e.g., recall the shirt vs. person example, and see Fig. 3), the output should be a reasonable mask for at least one of those objects. “有效”掩码的要求简单意味着,即使提示不明确并且可能指代多个对象(例如,衬衫与人的示例,请参见图 3),输出也应该是一个合理的掩码,包含这些物体中的至少一个。 This requirement is similar to expecting a language model to output a coherent response to an ambiguous prompt. 此要求类似于期望语言模型对不明确的提示输出连贯的响应。 We choose this task because it leads to a natural pre-training algorithm and a general method for zero-shot transfer to downstream segmentation tasks via prompting. 我们选择这个任务是因为它产生了一种自然的预训练算法,和一种通过提示零样本转移到下游分割任务的通用方法。 Figure_3

Pre-training. The promptable segmentation task suggests a natural pre-training algorithm that simulates a sequence of prompts (e.g., points, boxes, masks) for each training sample and compares the model’s mask predictions against the ground truth. 预训练。 可提示的分割任务采用了一种自然的预训练算法,该算法模拟每个训练样本的一系列提示(例如,点、框、掩模),并将模型的掩模预测与真实情况进行比较。 <font color=#008000>【怎么判断真实情况?在ground truth的标注数据里,应该根据空间计算,能找到和points/boxes/masks重合的object list有哪些,然后模型预测的输出,看是不是在这个object list里?? 但模型要输出的是用精准的边缘线圈出来的object,这是一堆pixel集合,那是和ground truth里的每个可能object计算MSE?找loss最小的那个,算作匹配了?】</font> We adapt this method from interactive segmentation [109, 70], although unlike interactive segmentation whose aim is to eventually predict a valid mask after enough user input, our aim is to always predict a valid mask for any prompt even when the prompt is ambiguous. 这种方法是对交互式分割[109, 70]方法修改得来的,不像交互式分割的目标是在得到充分的用户输入后最终预测一个有效掩码,我们的目标是始终为任何提示预测有效掩码,即使提示是有语义歧义的。 This ensures that a pre-trained model is effective in use cases that involve ambiguity, including automatic annotation as required by our data engine §4. 这确保了预训练模型在涉及歧义的用例中是有效的,包括我们的数据引擎§4所需的自动注释。 We note that performing well at this task is challenging and requires specialized modeling and training loss choices, which we discuss in §3. 我们注意到,在这项任务中表现良好具有挑战性,需要专门的模型和训练损失选择,我们将在第 3 节中讨论。

Zero-shot transfer. Intuitively, our pre-training task endows the model with the ability to respond appropriately to any prompt at inference time, and thus downstream tasks can be solved by engineering appropriate prompts. 零样本迁移。 直观地说,我们的预训练任务赋予模型在推理时对任何提示做出适当响应的能力,因此可以通过设计适当的提示来解决下游任务。 For example, if one has a bounding box detector for cats, cat instance segmentation can be solved by providing the detector’s box output as a prompt to our model. 例如,如果已经有了一个[猫猫边界框检测器],则可以将上述检测器输出的box框作为SAM的prompt输入,来解决[猫实体分割]子问题。 In general, a wide array of practical segmentation tasks can be cast as prompting. 一般来说,大量的实际分割任务都可以转化成一个提示问题。 In addition to automatic dataset labeling, we explore five diverse example tasks in our experiments in §7. 除了自动数据集标记之外,我们还在第 7 节的实验中探索了五个不同的示例任务。

Related tasks. Segmentation is a broad field: there’s interactive segmentation [57, 109], edge detection [3], super pixelization [85], object proposal generation [2], foreground segmentation [94], semantic segmentation [90], instance segmentation [66], panoptic segmentation [59], etc. 相关任务。 图片分割是一个广泛的领域: 有交互式分割 [57, 109]、边缘检测 [3]、超像素化 [85]、目标提议生成 [2]、前景分割 [94]、语义分割 [90]、实例分割 [66]、全景分割 [59] , 等。 The goal of our promptable segmentation task is to produce a broadly capable model that can adapt to many (though not all) existing and new segmentation tasks via prompt engineering. 我们的可提示分割任务的目标是产生一个具备通用能力的模型,可以通过提示工程适应许多(尽管不是全部)现有的和新的分割任务。 This capability is a form of task generalization [26]. 这种能力是任务泛化的一种形式[26]。 Note that this is different than previous work on multi-task segmentation systems. 请注意,这与多任务分割系统不同。 In a multi-task system, a single model performs a fixed set of tasks, e.g., joint semantic, instance, and panoptic segmentation [114, 19, 54], but the training and test tasks are the same. 在多任务系统中,单个模型执行一组固定的任务,例如联合语义、实例和全景分割[114,19,54],但训练和测试任务是相同的。 An important distinction in our work is that a model trained for promptable segmentation can perform a new, different task at inference time by acting as a component in a larger system, 我们工作中的一个重要区别是,可提示分割的模型可以在一个更大系统中充当组件,以在推理时执行新的、不同的任务, e.g., to perform instance segmentation, a promptable segmentation model is combined with an existing object detector. 例如,可提示的分割模型与已有的对象检测器相结合,可联合实现实例分割功能。

Discussion. Prompting and composition are powerful tools that enable a single model to be used in extensible ways, potentially to accomplish tasks unknown at the time of model design. 讨论。 提示和组合是强大的工具,使单个模型能够以可扩展的方式使用,有可能完成模型设计时未知的任务。 This approach is analogous to how other foundation models are used, e.g., how CLIP [82] is the text-image alignment component of the DALL·E [83] image generation system. 这种方法类似于其他基础模型的使用方式,例如 CLIP [82] 是 DALL·E [83] 图像生成系统的文本图像对齐组件。 We anticipate that composable system design, powered by techniques such as prompt engineering, will enable a wider variety of applications than systems trained specifically for a fixed set of tasks. 我们预计,由提示工程等技术支持的可组合系统设计将比专门为一组固定任务训练的系统实现更广泛的应用。 It’s also interesting to compare promptable and interactive segmentation through the lens of composition: 通过组合的角度来比较可提示分割和交互式分割也很有趣: while interactive segmentation models are designed with human users in mind, a model trained for promptable segmentation can also be composed into a larger algorithmic system as we will demonstrate. 虽然交互式分割模型在设计时考虑了人类用户,但针对可提示分割进行训练的模型也可以组成更大的算法系统,正如我们将演示的那样。

3.Segment Anything Model

We next describe the Segment Anything Model (SAM) for promptable segmentation. SAM has three components, illustrated in Fig. 4: an image encoder, a flexible prompt encoder, and a fast mask decoder. SAM有三个组件,如图 4 所示:图像编码器、灵活提示编码器和快速掩模解码器。 Figure_4 We build on Transformer vision models [14, 33, 20, 62] with specific tradeoffs for (amortized) real-time performance. 我们在ViT [14,33,20,62] 基础上,针对(摊销的)实时性能做了tradeoff。 We describe these components at a high-level here, with details in §A. 我们在这里high-level地描述了这些组件,细节见§A。

Image encoder. Motivated by scalability and powerful pre-training methods, we use an MAE [47] pre-trained Vision Transformer (ViT) [33] minimally adapted to process high resolution inputs [62]. 图像编码器。 得益于可扩展性和强大的预训练方法,我们使用了一个MAE [47] loss 预训练的ViT[33],能最低成本地适应处理高分辨率输入 [62]。 The image encoder runs once per image and can be applied prior to prompting the model. 图像编码器每张图像运行一次,可以在模型提示输入前就跑完。

Prompt encoder. We consider two sets of prompts: sparse (points, boxes, text) and dense (masks). 提示编码器。我们考虑两种提示:稀疏(点、框、文本)和密集(掩模)。 We represent points and boxes by positional encodings [95] summed with learned embeddings for each prompt type and free-form text with an off-the-shelf text encoder from CLIP [82]. 我们通过位置编码 [95] 来表示点和框,sum上对每种提示类型都学了的一个embedding,sum上使用 CLIP [82] 对格式不限的文本生成的一个embedding。 Dense prompts (i.e., masks) are embedded using convolutions and summed element-wise with the image embedding. 密集提示(即掩码)使用卷积来做embedding,并按元素sum上了图像embedding。

Mask decoder. The mask decoder efficiently maps the image embedding, prompt embeddings, and an output token to a mask. 掩码解码器。 掩码解码器有效地将图像embedding、提示embedding、输出token 都映射成掩码。 This design, inspired by [14, 20], employs a modification of a Transformer decoder block [103] followed by a dynamic mask prediction head. 该设计受到 [14, 20] 的启发,修改了 Transformer 解码器块 [103] ,后面跟了一个动态掩码预测头。 Our modified decoder block uses prompt self-attention and cross-attention in two directions (prompt-to-image embedding and vice-versa) to update all embeddings. 我们修改后的解码器块用了双向(prompt-to-image embedding、image-to-prompt embedding) 提示自注意力 和 交叉注意力 来更新所有embedding。 After running two blocks, we upsample the image embedding and an MLP maps the output token to a dynamic linear classifier, which then computes the mask foreground probability at each image location. 运行两个块后,我们对图像embedding进行上采样,并用一个MLP将输出token映射到一个动态线性分类器,它计算每个图像位置的掩模前景概率。

Resolving ambiguity. With one output, the model will average multiple valid masks if given an ambiguous prompt. 解决歧义。 输出只有一个,如果提示是不明确的,那么模型将对多个有效掩码进行平均。 To address this, we modify the model to predict multiple output masks for a single prompt (see Fig. 3). 我们修改了模型,对单个提示预测多个输出掩码(见图 3)。 We found 3 mask outputs is sufficient to address most common cases (nested masks are often at most three deep: whole, part, and subpart). 我们发现 3 个掩码输出足以解决最常见的情况(嵌套掩码通常最多三层深度:整体、部分和子部分)。 During training, we backprop only the minimum loss [15, 45, 64] over masks. 在训练期间,我们仅反向传播掩模上的最小损失[15,45,64]。 To rank masks, the model predicts a confidence score (i.e., estimated IoU) for each mask. 为了对掩模进行排名,模型预测每个掩模的置信度得分(即估计的IoU)。

Efficiency. The overall model design is largely motivated by efficiency. 效率。 模型的整体设计很大程度上是由效率驱动的。 Given a precomputed image embedding, the prompt encoder and mask decoder run in a web browser, on CPU, in ∼50ms. 给定预计算好的图像embedding,提示编码器和掩码解码器在 Web 浏览器中的 CPU 上运行,耗时约 50 毫秒。 This runtime performance enables seamless, real-time interactive prompting of our model. 这种运行时性能可以为我们的模型提供无缝、实时的交互式提示。

Losses and training. We supervise mask prediction with the linear combination of focal loss [65] and dice loss [73] used in [14]. 损失和训练。 掩码预测是监督训练出来的,损失函数是Focal Loss和Dice Loss的线性组合。 <font color=#008000>【Focal Loss: 提出于2017年的论文”FOCAL LOSS FOR DENSE OBJECT DETECTION”中,由Facebook AI团队的Tsung-Yi Lin和其他人开发。Focal Loss是为了解决目标检测问题中类别不平衡问题。在训练目标检测模型时,大部分的区域都是背景,正样本(感兴趣的对象)只占很小的一部分,这就导致了严重的类别不平衡问题。Focal Loss通过增大难以分类样本的权重,降低易于分类样本的权重,来聚焦于训练难样本,从而解决这个问题。】</font> <font color=#008000>【Dice Loss: Dice Loss通常用于处理医学图像分割等问题,其基于Dice系数,这是一种用于评估图像分割模型性能的指标。Dice系数能衡量预测的分割区域和实际分割区域的空间重叠度。Dice Loss就是以1减去Dice系数得到的,值域为0到1,值越小说明预测的分割区域和实际分割区域的一致性越好。Dice Loss有助于处理分割任务中的类别不平衡问题。】</font> We train for the promptable segmentation task using a mixture of geometric prompts (for text prompts see §7.5). 我们使用混合几何提示来训练可提示分割任务(有关文本提示,请参见第 7.5 节)。 Following [92, 37], we simulate an interactive setup by randomly sampling prompts in 11 rounds per mask, allowing SAM to integrate seamlessly into our data engine. 参考[92, 37],我们模仿了交互式初始化,通过为每个掩码进行 11 轮的随机采样提示,从而使 SAM 能够无缝集成到我们的数据引擎中。

4.Segment Anything Data Engine

A.Segment Anything Model and Task Details

Image encoder. In general, the image encoder can be any network that outputs a C×H×W image embedding. 图片编码器使用任何能输出 C×H×W embedding的网络都行 Motivated by scalability and access to strong pre-training, we use an MAE [47] pre-trained Vision Transformer (ViT) [33] with minimal adaptations to process high resolution inputs, specifically a ViT-H/16 with 14×14 windowed attention and four equally-spaced global attention blocks, following [62]. 我们用的是ViT,loss是MAE,ViT-H/16中patch size=16×16, <font color=#008000>(???14×14 windowed attention是指sequence length是1414么???)</font> The image encoder’s output is a 16× downscaled embedding of the input image. 图片编码器的输出是 比输入图片缩小16x 的embedding结果 <font color=#008000>(一个1616的patch对应一个embedding输出,为啥是缩小了16倍?但缩小16倍倒是和下文将mask prompt缩小16倍的大小对上了)</font> Since our runtime goal is to process each prompt in real-time, we can afford a high number of image encoder FLOPs because they are computed only once per image, not per prompt.

Following standard practices (e.g., [40]), we use an input resolution of 1024×1024 obtained by rescaling the image and padding the shorter side.The image embedding is therefore 64×64. 经过了rescaling和padding处理,输入图片的分辨率是1024×1024,所以输出的embedding是6464的 To reduce the channel dimension, following [62], we use a 1×1 convolution to get to 256 channels, followed by a 3×3 convolution also with 256 channels. Each convolution is followed by a layer normalization [4]. 用了11卷积核降低channel维度到256,后跟33256卷积核。每个卷积后面都有一个layer norm。最后输出的image embedding大小是 256x64x64。

Prompt encoder. Sparse prompts are mapped to 256-dimensional vectorial embeddings as follows. 稀疏提示(点、box、文本)最终被编码成256维的向量embeddings。 A point is represented as the sum of a positional encoding [95] of the point’s location and one of two learned embeddings that indicate if the point is either in the foreground or background. 点的:点所在位置的positional encoding结果 + 两个embedding之一,指代这个点是前景还是后景 <font color=#008000>【这个positional encoding是像素粒度的】</font> A box is represented by an embedding pair: (1) the positional encoding of its top-left corner summed with a learned embedding representing “top-left corner” and (2) the same structure but using a learned embedding indicating “bottom-right corner”. 框的:是一个embedding对,< 左上角那个点的位置编码+一个embedding表征”左上角” , 右下角那个点的位置编码+一个embedding表征”右下角” > Finally, to represent free-form text we use the text encoder from CLIP [82] (any text encoder is possible in general). 格式不限的文本:用CLIP中的文本编码器得到。 We focus on geometric prompts for the remainder of this section and discuss text prompts in depth in §D.5. 这一段重点讨论几何类型的提示。 <font color=#008000>【prompt的embedding也是学出来的,通过啥loss来训,怎么评判prompt的embedding的好坏的???】</font>

Dense prompts (i.e., masks) have a spatial correspondence with the image. 密集提示(即掩模)与图像具有空间对应关系。 We input masks at a 4× lower resolution than the input image, then downscale an additional 4× using two 2×2, stride-2 convolutions with output channels 4 and 16, respectively. 我们以比输入图像低4倍的分辨率输入掩码,然后使用输出通道分别为 4 和 16 的两个 2×2、步幅 2 卷积将分辨率再缩小 4 倍。 A final 1×1 convolution maps the channel dimension to 256. Each layer is separated by GELU activations [50] and layer normalization. 最终的 1×1 卷积将通道维度映射到 256。每一层都由 GELU 激活 [50] 和层归一化分隔。 <font color=#008000>【???所以这个掩码自己到底是个啥结构的?是一堆坐标的set?还是坐标对应的原始图片的内容???我觉得坐标更合理,毕竟mask也是几何类型的prompt,前面的点和box也是坐标。但是如果是坐标,没必要做卷积,这只有处理RGB格式的内容才有意义啊。】</font> The mask and image embedding are then added element-wise. 然后按元素粒度 将掩模和图像embedding加在一起。<font color=#008000>【这个element-wise是1/16像素粒度的,embedding 和 mask 都是比原始图像缩小16x尺寸的,所以粒度上是一一对应的】</font> If there is no mask prompt, a learned embedding representing “no mask” is added to each image embedding location. 如果没有掩模提示,则将表示“无掩模”的学习嵌入添加到每个图像嵌入位置。

Lightweight mask decoder. This module efficiently maps the image embedding and a set of prompt embeddings to an output mask. 轻量级掩码解码器。 该模块有效地将图像embedding和一组提示embeddings映射成一个输出掩码。 To combine these inputs, we take inspiration from Transformer segmentation models [14, 20] and modify a standard Transformer decoder [103]. 为了融合这两种输入,我们从 Transformer 分割模型 [14, 20] 中汲取灵感,并修改了标准 Transformer 解码器 [103]。 Before applying our decoder, we first insert into the set of prompt embeddings a learned output token embedding that will be used at the decoder’s output, analogous to the [class] token in [33]. 在应用解码器之前,我们首先在提示embeddings数据集中,插入一个学出来的输出token embedding,它将用来作为解码器的输出,类似于[33]中的[class]标记。 For simplicity, we refer to these embeddings (not including the image embedding) collectively as “tokens”. 为了简单起见,我们将这些embeddings(不包括图像embedding)统称为token。<font color=#008000>【是指prompt embeddings + [class] embedding】</font>

Our decoder design is shown in Fig. 14. Each decoder layer performs 4 steps: 每个解码器层都有如下 4 个步骤: (1) self-attention on the tokens, (1) token上的自注意力, <font color=#008000>【prompt之间为啥要看相似度?】</font> (2) cross-attention from tokens (as queries) to the image embedding, (2) 从token(作为query)到图像embedding的交叉注意力, (3) a point-wise MLP updates each token, (3) 逐点 MLP 更新每个 token, (4) cross-attention from the image embedding (as queries) to tokens. (4) 从图像embedding(作为query)到token的交叉注意力。 This last step updates the image embedding with prompt information. 最后一步用提示信息更新了图像embedding。 During cross-attention, the image embedding is treated as a set of 642 256-dimensional vectors. 在交叉注意力过程中,图像embedding被视为一组 642 个 256 维向量。 Each self/cross-attention and MLP has a residual connection [49], layer normalization, and a dropout [93] of 0.1 at training. 每个自/交叉注意力和 MLP 在训练时都有一个残差连接 [49]、层归一化和 0.1 的 dropout [93]。 The next decoder layer takes the updated tokens and the updated image embedding from the previous layer. 下一个解码器层从上一层获取更新的token和更新的图像embedding。 We use a two-layer decoder. 我们使用两层解码器。


To ensure the decoder has access to critical geometric information the positional encodings are added to the image embedding whenever they participate in an attention layer. 为了确保解码器能获取到关键的几何信息,image embedding只要参加了attention层的计算,就都会把位置编码加上。 Additionally, the entire original prompt tokens (including their positional encodings) are re-added to the updated tokens whenever they participate in an attention layer. 此外,只要参与了注意力层的计算,整个原始提示token(包括它们的位置编码)都会重新和更新了的token重新相加一次。 This allows for a strong dependence on both the prompt token’s geometric location and type. 这相当于强调了对prompt token的几何位置和类型的依赖。(加上原始tokn这个操作,不就相当于残差么??)

After running the decoder, we upsample the updated image embedding by 4× with two transposed convolutional layers (now it’s downscaled 4× relative to the input image). 运行解码器后,我们使用两个转置卷积层对更新后的图像嵌入进行 4 倍上采样(现在相对于输入图像缩小了 4 倍)。 Then, the tokens attend once more to the image embedding and we pass the updated output token embedding to a small 3-layer MLP that outputs a vector matching the channel dimension of the upscaled image embedding. 然后,令牌再次参与图像嵌入,我们将更新后的输出令牌嵌入传递给小型 3 层 MLP,该 MLP 输出与放大的图像嵌入的通道尺寸相匹配的向量。 Finally, we predict a mask with a spatially point-wise product between the upscaled image embedding and the MLP’s output. 最后,我们用放大图像嵌入和 MLP 输出之间的空间逐点乘积来预测掩模。

The transformer uses an embedding dimension of 256. The transformer MLP blocks have a large internal dimension of 2048, but the MLP is applied only to the prompt tokens for which there are relatively few (rarely greater than 20). However, in cross-attention layers where we have a 64×64 image embedding, we reduce the channel dimension of the queries, keys, and values by 2× to 128 for computational efficiency. All attention layers use 8 heads. 变压器使用的嵌入尺寸为 256。 Transformer MLP 块的内部尺寸较大,为 2048,但 MLP 仅适用于相对较少(很少大于 20)的提示标记。 然而,在具有 64×64 图像嵌入的交叉注意力层中,为了提高计算效率,我们将查询、键和值的通道维度减少了 2 倍到 128。 所有注意力层都使用 8 个头。

The transposed convolutions used to upscale the output image embedding are 2×2, stride 2 with output channel dimensions of 64 and 32 and have GELU activations. They are separated by layer normalization. 用于升级输出图像嵌入的转置卷积为 2×2、步长 2,输出通道尺寸为 64 和 32,并具有 GELU 激活。 它们通过层归一化分开。

Making the model ambiguity-aware. As described, a sin- gle input prompt may be ambiguous in the sense that it cor- responds to multiple valid masks, and the model will learn to average over these masks. We eliminate this problem with a simple modification: instead of predicting a single mask, we use a small number of output tokens and predict multiple masks simultaneously. By default we predict three masks, since we observe that three layers (whole, part, and subpart) are often enough to describe nested masks. During training, we compute the loss (described shortly) between the ground truth and each of the predicted masks, but only backpropagate from the lowest loss. This is a common tech- nique used for models with multiple outputs [15, 45, 64]. For use in applications, we’d like to rank predicted masks, so we add a small head (operating on an additional output token) that estimates the IoU between each predicted mask and the object it covers.

Ambiguity is much rarer with multiple prompts and the three output masks will usually become similar. To mini- mize computation of degenerate losses at training and en- sure the single unambiguous mask receives a regular gradi- ent signal, we only predict a single mask when more than one prompt is given. This is accomplished by adding a fourth output token for an additional mask prediction. This fourth mask is never returned for a single prompt and is the only mask returned for multiple prompts.

Losses. We supervise mask prediction with a linear combi- nation of focal loss [65] and dice loss [73] in a 20:1 ratio of focal loss to dice loss, following [20, 14]. Unlike [20, 14], we observe that auxiliary deep supervision after each de- coder layer is unhelpful. The IoU prediction head is trained with mean-square-error loss between the IoU prediction and the predicted mask’s IoU with the ground truth mask. It is added to the mask loss with a constant scaling factor of 1.0.

Training algorithm. Following recent approaches [92, 37], we simulate an interactive segmentation setup during train- ing. First, with equal probability either a foreground point or bounding box is selected randomly for the target mask. Points are sampled uniformly from the ground truth mask. Boxes are taken as the ground truth mask’s bounding box, with random noise added in each coordinate with standard deviation equal to 10% of the box sidelength, to a maxi- mum of 20 pixels. This noise profile is a reasonable com- promise between applications like instance segmentation, which produce a tight box around the target object, and in- teractive segmentation, where a user may draw a loose box.

After making a prediction from this first prompt, subse- quent points are selected uniformly from the error region between the previous mask prediction and the ground truth mask. Each new point is foreground or background if the er- ror region is a false negative or false positive, respectively. We also supply the mask prediction from the previous it- eration as an additional prompt to our model. To provide the next iteration with maximal information, we supply the unthresholded mask logits instead of the binarized mask. When multiple masks are returned, the mask passed to the next iteration and used to sample the next point is the one with the highest predicted IoU.

We find diminishing returns after 8 iteratively sampled points (we have tested up to 16). Additionally, to encour- age the model to benefit from the supplied mask, we also use two more iterations where no additional points are sam- pled. One of these iterations is randomly inserted among the 8 iteratively sampled points, and the other is always at the end. This gives 11 total iterations: one sampled initial in- put prompt, 8 iteratively sampled points, and two iterations where no new external information is supplied to the model so it can learn to refine its own mask predictions. We note that using a relatively large number of iterations is possible because our lightweight mask decoder requires less than 1% of the image encoder’s compute and, therefore, each itera- tion adds only a small overhead. This is unlike previous interactive methods that perform only one or a few interac- tive steps per optimizer update [70, 9, 37, 92].

Training recipe. We use the AdamW [68] optimizer (β1 = 0.9, β2 = 0.999) and a linear learning rate warmup [42] for 250 iterations and a step-wise learning rate decay schedule. The initial learning rate (lr), after warmup, is 8e−4. We train for 90k iterations (∼2 SA-1B epochs) and decrease the lr by a factor of 10 at 60k iterations and again at 86666 it- erations. The batch size is 256 images. To regularize SAM, we set weight decay (wd) to 0.1 and apply drop path [53] (dp) with a rate of 0.4. We use a layer-wise learning rate decay [5] (ld) of 0.8. No data augmentation is applied. We initialize SAM from an MAE [47] pre-trained ViT-H. We distribute training across 256 GPUs, due to the large image encoder and 1024×1024 input size. To limit GPU memory usage, we train with up to 64 randomly sampled masks per GPU. Additionally, we find that lightly filtering SA-1B masks to discard any that cover more than 90% of the image qualitatively improves results.

For ablations and others variations on training (e.g., text- to-mask §D.5), we deviate from the default recipe above as follows. When training with data from the first and sec- ond data engine stages only, we augment the input with large-scale jitter [40] with a scale range of [0.1, 2.0]. In- tuitively, data augmentation may be helpful when training data is more limited. To train ViT-B and ViT-L, we use 180k iterations with batch size 128 distributed across 128 GPUs. We set lr = 8e−4/4e−4, ld = 0.6/0.8, wd = 0.1, and dp = 0.6/0.4 for ViT-B/L, respectively.