1. 啥子是Zookeeper



Learn more about ZK from: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/ZOOKEEPER/Index

2. 啥子是Watcher



ZOOAPI int zoo_acreate(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, const char *value, 
        int valuelen, const struct ACL_vector *acl, int flags,
        string_completion_t completion, const void *data);

ZOOAPI int zoo_adelete(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, int version, 
        void_completion_t completion, const void *data);
ZOOAPI int zoo_aset(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, const char *buffer, int buflen, 
        int version, stat_completion_t completion, const void *data);




watcher是在调用getter接口时注册到ZK上的,读API包括exists,getData,getChildren三种( 忽略ACL相关操作),每种操作也都提供了同步接口和异步接口:

// \brief checks the existence of a node in zookeeper.
ZOOAPI int zoo_aexists(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, int watch, 
        stat_completion_t completion, const void *data);
ZOOAPI int zoo_awexists(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, 
        watcher_fn watcher, void* watcherCtx, 
        stat_completion_t completion, const void *data);
// \brief gets the data associated with a node.
ZOOAPI int zoo_aget(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, int watch, 
        data_completion_t completion, const void *data);
ZOOAPI int zoo_awget(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, 
        watcher_fn watcher, void* watcherCtx, 
        data_completion_t completion, const void *data);
// \brief lists the children of a node.
ZOOAPI int zoo_aget_children(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path, int watch, 
        strings_completion_t completion, const void *data);
ZOOAPI int zoo_awget_children(zhandle_t *zh, const char *path,
        watcher_fn watcher, void* watcherCtx, 
        strings_completion_t completion, const void *data);

可选择添加指定watcher还是默认watcher。默认watcher是只在ZooKeeper zk = new ZooKeeper(serverList, sessionTimeout, watcher)中指定的watch。

对于有int watch参数的getter方法,watch参数传入true则会将默认watcher注册为所关注事件的watcher;传入false则不注册任何watcher。


 * \brief signature of a watch function.
 * There are two ways to receive watch notifications: legacy and watcher object.
 * <p>
 * The legacy style, an application wishing to receive events from ZooKeeper must 
 * first implement a function with this signature and pass a pointer to the function 
 * to \ref zookeeper_init. Next, the application sets a watch by calling one of 
 * the getter API that accept the watch integer flag (for example, \ref zoo_aexists, 
 * \ref zoo_get, etc).
 * <p>
 * The watcher object style uses an instance of a "watcher object" which in 
 * the C world is represented by a pair: a pointer to a function implementing this
 * signature and a pointer to watcher context -- handback user-specific data. 
 * When a watch is triggered this function will be called along with 
 * the watcher context. An application wishing to use this style must use
 * the getter API functions with the "w" prefix in their names (for example, \ref
 * zoo_awexists, \ref zoo_wget, etc).
 * \param zh zookeeper handle
 * \param type event type. This is one of the *_EVENT constants. 
 * \param state connection state. The state value will be one of the *_STATE constants.
 * \param path znode path for which the watcher is triggered. NULL if the event 
 * \param watcherCtx watcher context.
typedef void (*watcher_fn)(zhandle_t *zh, int type, 
        int state, const char *path,void *watcherCtx);

3. 各种Event

ZK Event有如下6种,我们将测试前4种:

事件 说明
ZOO_CREATED_EVENT \brief a node has been created. * This is only generated by watches on non-existent nodes. These watches are set using \ref zoo_exists. #define CREATED_EVENT_DEF 1
ZOO_DELETED_EVENT \brief a node has been deleted. * This is only generated by watches on nodes. These watches are set using \ref zoo_exists and \ref zoo_get. #define DELETED_EVENT_DEF 2
ZOO_CHANGED_EVENT \brief a node has changed. * This is only generated by watches on nodes. These watches are set using \ref zoo_exists and \ref zoo_get. #define CHANGED_EVENT_DEF 3
ZOO_CHILD_EVENT \brief a change as occurred in the list of children. * This is only generated by watches on the child list of a node. These watches are set using \ref zoo_get_children or \ref zoo_get_children2. #define CHILD_EVENT_DEF 4
ZOO_SESSION_EVENT \brief a session has been lost. * This is generated when a client loses contact or reconnects with a server. #define SESSION_EVENT_DEF -1
ZOO_NOTWATCHING_EVENT \brief a watch has been removed. * This is generated when the server for some reason, probably a resource constraint, will no longer watch a node for a client. #define NOTWATCHING_EVENT_DEF -2

其中,node has changed感知的是节点数据的变化,节点数据由两部分组成:节点值和节点状态。节点状态有如下几个字段:

ZooKeeper Stat Structure  
czxid The zxid of the change that caused this znode to be created.
mzxid The zxid of the change that last modified this znode.
ctime The time in milliseconds from epoch when this znode was created.
mtime The time in milliseconds from epoch when this znode was last modified.
version The number of changes to the data of this znode.
cversion The number of changes to the children of this znode.
aversion The number of changes to the ACL of this znode.
ephemeralOwner The session id of the owner of this znode if the znode is an ephemeral node.If it is not an ephemeral node, it will be zero.
dataLength The length of the data field of this znode.
numChildren The number of children of this znode.

4. 触发条件测试




zoo_wexists(“/appKey_A”) zoo_wexists(“/appKey_A”) zoo_wget(“/appKey_A”) zoo_get_children(“/appKey_A”)  
create appKey_A yes X X X
create appKey_A/desc【增加子节点】 X X yes yes
set appKey_A/desc【子节点value变化】 X X X X
create appKey_A/provider-http X X yes yes
create appKey_A/provider-http/ X X X X
set appKey_A/provider-http/ x x x x
delete appKey_A/desc X X yes yes
delete appKey_A/provider-http/ X X X X
delete appKey_A/provider-http X X yes yes
delete appKey_A X yes yes X